Frequently Asked Questions

How do psychic readings work?

Psychic readings involve tapping into your unique energy field to gain insights into your past, present, and future. I utilise my psychic senses like clairvoyance, clairaudience clairsentience and claircognizance to connect with your energy and provide information and guidance based on the information I receive.

What happens during a mediumship session?

During a mediumship session, I connect with the higher realms of the spirit world and communicate directly with your Guides, Angels and Spirits of your Loved Ones who have passed on. You can expect to receive messages of love, forgiveness, and guidance, providing comfort and closure.

What can I expect during a reading/session?

Each session/reading is taliored to meet the individual needs of my clients and I strive to ensure each person leaves the sitting with the clearer picture of their circumstances, answers to their questions, healing and closure. One thing all my sessions have in common is the intention behind the reading - I  ask for the messages and solutions that will ensure the highest good of all. 

Can I receive both, a psychic and a mediumship reading during one sitting?


Vast majority of my clients receive both - psychic and mediumship reading during one sitting unless they specify different prefference at the beginning of the session. 

How can I be certain it is my loved ones and/or my Angels communicating ?

At the start of our session, I establish the connection with the Spirit World and ask for details from Your Spirit Guides and Loved Ones pretaining to your life and your relationship with the departed Souls - Very often, personal information is revealed, that only you, and/or those closest to you would know about. Your departed Loved Ones come across with full force of their most unique personality traits, bringing back memories you shared together as a validation of their continuous love and  presence in your life. 

Can I enlist Rose's help when dealing with other issues of spiritual nature?


I can help with diffrent issues of spiritual nature and can usually asses them and advise on any help that can be offered  during initial consultation in person, over the phone or online. 

Especially close to my heart are cases of children and young adults experiencing connections to the Spirit World and who are not quite sure what it is they're experiencing or how to deal with it. I was once one of those children myself, and I am now dedicated to offering guidance and support to those who are just coming to terms with their gift. 

How soon after a loved one's passing can I book a mediumship session?

This is a complex issue hugely dependent on individual circumstances and there is no one-mould-fits-all answer. Interestingly, it's not so much dependent on the spirit of the Loved One who has departed as much as yourself and your current stage of the grieving process - Generally speaking, when the loss has occured recently, and your grief is all consuming and overwhelming to you, it  can hinder the reading and it is best to wait for at least 3-6 months or until you have come to terms with your loss before seeking contact. 

Can I pick and choose Whom I want to connect with?

Yes, you can. 

Can I guarantee that it will be the Soul of that specific departed Loved One who comes through to communicate? - The simple answer is no. However, in vast majority of readings the departed you desperately wish to communicate with want to connect with you too, so it usually seems to work out. Very often other relatives and friends make appearances too, to let you know they are still with you,  watching and guiding you on your journey. 

Should I prepare in any way before the reading/session?

It is not necessary, but always helpful, if my clients prep before the sitting - Nothing to complex or streniuous is required, but if you can, take a few moments to yourself, center and ground in peaceful surroundings; Reflect on the reading and any questions you might have, meditate, do yoga, go for a walk with your dog. You can also ask your guides and Loved Ones for clear communication and guidance.